CME Students Triumph at IChemE Food & Drink Special Interest Group 3-Minute Thesis Competition
Two Chemical Engineering students excelled at the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) Food & Drink Special Interest Group 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, winning the Championship and 1st Runner-up.
Held at the University of Nottingham Malaysia on 16 November 2024, this competition aims to increase public awareness on current food security and environmental concerns associated with our global food system. Under the theme ‘Sustainable Food Futures’, only one single static PowerPoint slide is allowed along with creative and effective presentation delivery within three minutes.
Chew Zhi Ling won the Championship with a cash prize of RM 600. She received the award from Prof. Ir. Dr. Hii Ching Lik, the Co-Director of the Future Food Malaysia Research Centre, University of Nottingham Malaysia. She is a postgraduate student under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Kua Yin Leng and the travel expenses were supported by Xiamen University Malaysia Research Fund [XMUMRF/2023-C12/IENG/0058].
Tan Willy secured the 1st Runner-up position, earning a cash prize of RM 300. He received the award from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Siew Shee from the University of Nottingham Malaysia. In his penultimate year pursuing a degree in Chemical Engineering, Tan Willy has conducted his project under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Ir. Dr. Wong Voon Loong.