GAN Wee Chen
Associate Professor Dr.
SDGs Focus

About Me
Dr. Gan Wee Chen is currently an Associate Professor and Head of Programme (Undergraduate Programme) in New Energy Science and Engineering at the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering (SECE), Xiamen University Malaysia (XMUM). His research interests focus on the functional properties of soft materials including Ferroelectric, Piezoelectric, Triboelectric and Composites.
- Ph.D. (Physics), University of Malaya, Malaysia, 2015
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Applied Physics), University of Malaya, Malaysia, 2005
- MDPI Topic Editor for Advanced Energy Harvesting Technology (2023 – present)
- Assistant Editor, Sensor Review (2023 – present)
Research Interests
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gan's research interests encompass Molecular Dynamics and Polarization Switching in VDF-based Polymers to enhance functionality in energy harvesting. Our research team’s focus lies on developing self-powered sustainable energy harvesters utilizing Piezoelectric and Triboelectric Nanogenerators. Additionally, intrigued by smart materials exhibiting electroactive properties, efficient energy generation and sensing, aiming to contribute to advancements in renewable energy technologies and material science applications.
Research Project(s)
- Triboelectrication-induced self-powered portable air filtration system.
- Respiration-driven antimicrobial face mask.
- Regulating the polarization state of electrospun PVDF nanocomposites for ultra-flexible high-power triboelectric nanogenerators.
- Hybrid cells for energy harvesting
Current Courses Taught
- EGE301 – Project Management and Economics
- EGE401 – Practice of Energy Technology
- EGE308 – Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
- EGE501 – Research Methodology
Local Grant(s)
- High-performance P(VDF-TrFE)/CNT composites triboelectric nanogenerator for smart agriculture. 2021 – 2023, XMUM Research Fund (XMUMRF)
- Piezo/triboelectric self-power energy harvesting system. 2018 – 2020, XMUMRF
- Ng CYB, Velayutham TS, Gan WC, Goh BT 2024 Tailoring Ferroelectricity in P(VDF/TrFE) Thin Films: Unveiling the Hidden Role of Cooling Rate. Mater. Today Commun. In Press, Accepted.
- Ong DTK, Koay JSC, Sim MT, Aw KC, Nakajima T, Chen BH, Tan ST, Gan WC* 2023 High performance composition-tailored PVDF triboelectric nanogenerator enabled by low temperature-induced phase transition. Nano Energy 113, 108555.
- Furukawa T, Kodama H, Ishii H, Kojima S, Nakajima T, Gan WC, Velayutham TS, Abd Majid WH 2023 Towards comprehensive understanding of piezoelectricity and its relaxation in VDF-based ferroelectric polymers. Polymer 283, 126235.
- Li Z, Gan WC, Tang L, Aw KC 2023 Fundamental Understanding of Multicellular Triboelectric Nanogenerator with Different Electrical Configurations. Micromachines 14(7), 1333.
- Gopal SR, Velayutham TS, Gan WC, Cheong JY, Soh AE 2023 A hybrid piezoelectric and triboelectric nanogenerator with lead-free BZT–BCT/PDMS composite and PVA film for scavenging mechanical energy. RSC Advances 13 (12), 7921-7928.
- Lim YP, Jason Koay SY, Zhao JT, Huang SL, Goh BT, Aw KC, Chen BH, Haw CY, Gan WC* 2022 Modulating ZnO Growth Structures for Maximum Power Output of Hybrid Piezo/Triboelectric Nanogenerator (H-P/TENG). Adv. Func. Mater. 32, 2206750
- Mat Zin SH, Velayutham TS, Furukawa T, Kodama H, Gan WC, Chio-Srichan S, Kriechbaum M, Nakajima T 2022 Quantitative study on the face shear piezoelectricity and its relaxation in uniaxially-drawn and annealed poly-l-lactic acid. Polymer 254, 125095.
- Choeng JY, Koay JSC, Chen R, Aw KC, Velayutham TS, Chen B, Li J, Foo CY, Gan WC* 2021 Maximizing the output power density enhancement of solid polymer electrolyte based-triboelectric nanogenerators via contact electrification-induced ionic polarization. Nano Energy 90, 106616
- Koay JSC, Gan WC*, Soh AE, Cheong JY, Aw KC, Velayutham TS 2020 An overlapped electron-cloud model for the contact electrification in piezo-assisted triboelectric nanogenerators via control of piezoelectric polarization. J. Mater. Chem. A 8 (48), 25857-25866
Current Supervision (Postgraduate only)
- Sim Moh Terng
Respiration-Driven Antimicrobial Face Mask through Nanowire-Assisted Electroporation
2021 – present
Xiamen University Malaysia - Wong Chang Jian
Dielectric response of the collective behaviour of microalgae in biophotovoltaic cell
2022 – present
Xiamen University Malaysia - Ee Zhi Yin
Hybrid piezo/triboelectric nanogenerator with oriented pvdf-based nanofibers
2023 – present
Xiamen University Malaysia
Completed Supervision (Postgraduate only)
- Jason Koay Soon Chye
Optimizing the Ionic Polarization in Polyvinyl Alcohol Solid Polymer Electrolytes for High Performance Triboelectric Nanogenerators
2021 – 2024
Xiamen University Malaysia - Daniel Ong Tze Kheng
Tailoring Surface Charge Density Towards High Performance Triboelectric Nanogenerators (TENG) By Dielectric and
Piezoelectric Polarization
2020 – 2023
Xiamen University Malaysia - Lim Yen Pei
Optimizing ZnO Growth Structures for Enhanced Power Generation in Hybrid Piezo/Triboelectric Nanogenerators
2021 – 2023
Xiamen University Malaysia