CHEN Binghui
Professor Dr.
SDGs Focus

About Me
Prof. Chen Binghui received his Ph.D. Degree from University of Leeds in 1998, Master’s Degree from Zhejiang University in 1990 and Bachelor's Degree from Huaqiao University in 1984, all in Chemical Engineering. Currently, he is a Professor and Dean at School of Energy and Chemical Engineering (SECE), Xiamen University Malaysia (XMUM). His research interest is mainly in Catalysis in Hydrogenation and Oxidation. He has won numerous awards including the National Academic and Innovation Award in 1997 and the SinoPec Science and Technology Award in 1996 and 1997.
- Ph.D., Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Leeds, United Kingdoms, 1998 (supported by full Scholarship of British Council)
- Master's Degree, Department of Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 1990
- Bachelor's Degree of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Huaqiao University, China, 1984
- Council member, the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China (2019 - present)
- General Secretary, the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of Fujian (2018 - present)
- Deputy-Director, National Engineering Laboratory for Green Chemical Productions of Alcohols-Ethers-Esters (2008 – present)
- Director, Division for Catalysis and Reaction Engineering, UniLab Research Centre for Chemical Reaction Engineering (1992 - 1994)
- The Consultant (in China) for National Science and Technology Award, National Ministry of Science and Technology, National Natural Science Foundation Committee, International Science and Technology Cooperation, National Innovation Fund, National Torch Plan, National Development Bank and etc.
- Molecules, Journal of Chemical Engineering Research Updates
Research Interests
Catalysis in Hydrogenation and Oxidation; Green Energy; Biomass Conversion; Process System Engineering; AI Applications
International Grant(s)
- Development of Catalyst and Reaction Technology for Oxidative Esterification of Methacrolein, 2020.8 - 2022.7, RMB3,600K
- Development of Catalytic Technology for Dehydration of Glycerol to Hydroxyacetone, 2020.07 - 2022.06, RMB2,000K
- Development of Catalyst for Catalytic Oxidation of Glyphosate to Glyphosate, 2019.11 - 2021.10, RMB998K
- Hengyuan Refining for Olefin Fine Chemicals, 2019.10 - 2021.09, RM2,000K
- Development of Catalyst for VOCs Catalytic Combustion, 2019.1 - 2021.12, RMB3,000K
- Study on Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of high COD Wastewater Treatment, 2018.06 - 2020.01, RMB1,000K
- Development of Catalyst for Production of Methanol and Ethanol from Syngas, 2017.03 - 2019.12, RMB2,000K
- Engineering Center for Xinjiang (Zhundong Development Zone) Fossil Resource Processing and New Energy Technology, 2016.1 - 2019.12, RMB20,000K
- Ley Boon Sim, Zibao Wu, Chi Zhang, Xianghua Liu, Jile Fu, Nuowei Zhang, Jiexiang Wang, Songshou Ye, Jinbao Zheng, Binghui Chen. (2023). The critical role of MnCeOx molecular dispersion in harsh reaction conditions for VOC treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal
- Sajid Ali, Kok Bing Tan, Shafqat Ullah, Muhammad Junaid Aslam, Jile Fu, Hira Karim, Binghui Chen, Guowu Zhan. (2024). Acetone-Treated Au Nanoparticles Supported on CeO2 for the Wet Air Oxidation of Dimethylformamide. ACS Applied Nano Materials
- Wenhan Chen, Sen Zhao, Ley Boon Sim, Jianjun Li, Xianghua Liu, Jile Fu, Nuowei Zhang, Jinbao Zheng, Binghui Chen (2024). Selective Benzene Hydroalkylation: Ni/Ni PS/HY Catalysts for Enhanced Cyclohexylbenzene Formation. Fuel, 371(A), 131879 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2024.131879
- Qiang Wang, Ley Boon Sim, Jianrong Xie, Songshou Ye, Jile Fu, Jiexiang Wang, Nuowei Zhang, Jinbao Zheng, Binghui Chen. (2024). Comparative study of Pt/zeolites for n-hexadecane hydroisomerization: EU-1, ZSM-48, ZSM-23, ZSM-22, and ZSM-12. Chemical Engineering Science
- Xin-Quan Tan, Peipei Zhang, Binghui Chen, Abdul Rahman Mohamed, WeeJun Ong. (2024). Synergistic effect of dual phase cocatalysts: MoC-Mo2C quantum dots anchored on g-C3N4 for high-stability photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 622, 870-882. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2024.02.027
- Xiaofei Li, Ley Boon Sim, Lili Geng, Haifeng Shi, Songshou Ye, Jinbao Zheng, Nuowei Zhang, Binghui Chen. (2023). Role of Citric Acid in Enhancing Aromatic Hydrogenation Performance in Ni-HPW/SiO2 Catalysts. Applied Catalysis A: General. 671, 119564
- Zhao Yang, Yan Xiong, Ting Li, Zhiqing Yang, BingHui Chen. (2024). Boosting acetone hydrogenation at room temperature on Ru-Sn/C catalyst. Catalysis Communications. 186, 106822. doi:10.1016/j.catcom.2023.106822.
- Peipei Zhang, Hanlei Sun, Xiuyuan Lu, Rena Oh, Nuowei Zhang, Ouardia Akdim, Alberto Roldan, Xiaoyang Huang, Binghui Chen. (2024). Tandem reactions on phase separated MnO2 and C to enhance formaldehyde conversion to hydrogen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 51(C), 2 January 2024, 982-992
- Qiang Wang, Ley Boon Sim, Jianrong Xie, Songshou Ye, Jile Fu, Jiexiang Wang, Nuowei Zhang, Jinbao Zheng, Binghui Chen. (2023). Promotion effect of cerium in ZSM-22 zeolite on the hydroisomerization of n hexadecane. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 11, 109854
- Jiexiang Wang, Xiaoling Chen, Ley Boon Sim, Lei Guan, Xiaoqi He, Xiantai Zhou*, Binghui Chen*. (2023). Unravelling the Mechanism and Kinetics of Aerobic Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of Cyclohexanone: Insights into Oxygen Activation. AIChE J 313: 544–55 .
- Huici Shan, Rena Oh, Jianqiang Fan, Xiang Zhang, Nuowei Zhang, Xiaoyang Huang, Gyeong-Su Park, Quanxing Zheng, Hongliang Lu, Binghui Chen (2023). Developing Pt-M/C Catalyst (M=Pb, Cu) for Efficient Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Phenol Wastewater under Mild Conditions. J of Environmental Chem Eng 11, 109854
- Hanlei Sun, Peipei Zhang, Jiexiang Wang, Songshou Ye, Jile Fu,* Jinbao Zheng, Hua Zhang,* Nuowei Zhanga and Binghui Chen (2022). Understanding the suppressive role of catalytically active Pt-TiO2 interfacial sites of supported metal catalysts towards complete oxidation of toluene. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10, 25633 – 25643.
- Quancong Zhang, Bin Wei, Zhikai Cao, Wei Li, Binghui Chen, Kang Xue, Hua Zhou (2022). Mathematical modeling for molten ash slagging moving bed coal gasifier considering the impact of particle behavior characteristics. Chem Eng Sci. Volume 263, 14 December 2022, 118130. /10.1016/j.ces.2022.118130
- Xiang Zhang, Haiyan Fan, Xiuyuan Lu, Lili Guo, Delin Du, Huici Shan, Lili Geng, Ouardia Akdim, Xiaoyang Huang*, Gyeong-Su Parkd, Nuowei Zhang*, Rena Oh*, Binghui Chen* (2022). Enhanced redox catalysis of electrochemical alcohol oxidation in alkaline medium by using Pt-Cu/C catalyst. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 926: 166994.
- Ley Boon Sim, Kek Seong Kim, Jile Fu, Binghui Chen (2022). The Promoting Effect of Ti on the Catalytic Performance of V-Ti-HMS Catalysts in the Selective Oxidation of Methanol. Catalysts. 7:221
- Jianjun Li, Wenhan Chen, Haolin Wang, Lili Guo, Nuowei Zhang, Jinbao Zheng, Jile Fu*, Hiroaki Nitani* and Binghui Chen*. (2022). Engineering the Framework Cobalt and Hierarchical Pores of Aluminophosphates for Enhanced Performance in n-Butene Skeletal Isomerization. Advanced Materials Interfaces, DOI:10.1002/admi.202201021
- Lim YP, Jason Koay SY, Zhao JT, Huang SL, Goh BT, Aw KC, Chen BH*, Haw CY*, Gan WC* (2022). Modulating ZnO Growth Structures for Maximum Power Output of Hybrid Piezo/Triboelectric Nanogenerator (H-P/TENG). Advanced Functional Materials 2022. 2206750.
- Quancong Zhang, Zhikai Cao, Songshou Ye, Yong Sha, Binghui Chen, Hua Zhou (2022). Mathematical modeling for bubbling fluidized bed CO-methanation reactor incorporating the effect of circulation and particle flows. Chem Eng Sci 249: 117305
- Quancong Zhang, Bin Wei, Zhikai Cao, Binghui Chen, Kang Xue, Hua Zhou (2022). Mathematical modeling for molten ash slagging moving bed coal gasifier considering the impact of particle behavior characteristics. Chem Eng Sci 263: 118130
- Wei Jian Tan, Zhen Hong Ban*, Binghui Chen, Kek Seong Kim, Parthiban Siwayanan, Thomas S. Y. Choong, and Kok Keong Lau. (2022). Enhanced Mitigation of Fire and Explosion Risks due to Hydrogen Leakage Using Targeted Nitrogen Nozzle Spray Approach. ACS Chemical Health Safety, 29, 3, 309–318.
- H.L. Yu, B.H. Chen, K.S. Kim, P. Siwayanan, S.Y. Thomas Choong, Z.H. Ban. (2022) Source localization for illegal plastic burning in Malaysia via CFD-ANN approach. Digital Chemical Engineering, 3, 100029
- Sajid Ali, Yue Jiang, Lai Zhirong, Peipei Zhang, Songshou Ye, Jiexiang Wang, Jile Fu, Nuowei Zhang, Jingbao Zheng, Binghui Chen. (2022). 3D ball type self-assemble CeO2 nanostructure produced by facile hydrothermal strategy for catalytic wet air oxidation of N,N-Dimethylformamide. J of Rare Earth doi.org/10.1016/j.jre.2022.05.022 online
- Xianghua Liu, Zefeng Liao, Wenhan Chen, Jile Fu, Jinbao Zheng, Nuowei Zhang and Binghui Chen. (2022). Engineering Pore Structure and Acidity of Ferrierite Zeolites by Organic Template Agents for N-butene Isomerization. Applied Catalysis A: General 642(25), 118676
- Haiyan Fan, Tuo Zheng, Xinxi Liao, Mengling Sun, Jile Fu, Jinbao Zheng, Nuowei Zhang, Binghui Chen* (2022). Stereoselective hydrogenation of platform molecule α-pinene under solvent-free conditions. ChemCatChem: 14(5) e202101690
- Jile Fu, Xiang Zhang, Wenting Xiong, Bingbing Chen, Songshou Ye, Nuowei Zhang*, Zhiyang Yu*, Jinbao Zheng, Binghui Chen* (2022). Enhancing electronic metal support interaction (EMSI) over Pt/TiO2 for efficiently catalytic wet air oxidation. Journal of Hazard Materials 426: 128088
- Lili, Geng, Chengli Rong, Aixuan Lin, Haifeng Shi, Meng Zhang, Nuowei Zhang, Binghui Chen*. (2021). Pt/MnO2 Catalyst for high-efficiency Catalytic Wet Oxidation of Formaldehyde wastewater at low temperature. Science China Press, 66, 22, 2898-2907
- Lihua Zhu, Huaze Zhu, Mohsen Shakouri, Linghai Zeng, Zhiqing Yang, Yongfeng Hu, Hengqiang Ye, Hui Wang, Binghui Chen*, Rafael Luque. Mechanistic insights into interfacial nano-synergistic effects in trimetallic Rh-on-NiCo on-CNTs for room temperature solvent-free hydrogenations. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2021. Volume 297, 15 November 2021, 120404. doi: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2021.120404
- TAN Khangwei, XIONG Wenting, FU Jile, CHEN Binghui*. Preparation and Catalytic Performance of Ru-Co / SiC Catalysts for the synthesis of heavy Hydrocarbons from syngas by Fischer-Tropsch Reaction[J]. CIESC Journal, 2021, 72(7): 3648-3657. doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20210260
- WANG Jiexiang, LI Hongguo, YE Songshou, CHEN Binghui. Halogen-rich Zinc-adeninate framework construction and its Catalytic Performance on CO2 Cycloaddition without Cocatalyst. CIESC Journal, 2021, 72(7): 3686 – 3695. doi: 10.11949/0438-1157.20210033
- WANG Jiexiang, GUAN Lei, YE Songshou, ZHENG Jinbao, CHEN Binghui*. N-Heterocyclic Organocatalyst for Carbon Dioxide Cycloaddition: Weak Synergistic Effect of Imidazolium[J]. CIESC Journal, 2021, 72(7): 3696-3705. doi: 10.11949/0438-1157.20210051
- YE Kai, LIU Xianghua, JIANG Yue, YU Ying, ZHAO Yafei, ZHUANG Ye, ZHENG Jinbao, CHEN Binghui*. Combining low-temperature plasma with CeO2/13X for Toluene degradation. CIESC Journal, 2021, 72(7): 3706-3715. doi: 10.11949/0438-1157.20201914
- Cheong, Jian Ye; Koay, Jason Soon Chye; Chen, Ruihao; Aw, Kean Chin; Velayutham, Thamil Selvi; Chen, Binghui*; Li, Jing; Foo, Chuan Yi; Gan, Wee Chen* (2021). Maximizing the output power density enhancement of solid polymer electrolyte based-triboelectric nanogenerators via contact electrification-induced ionic polarization. Nano Energy. Volume 90, doi: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.106616.
- Sajid Ali, Wenting Xiong, Zefeng Liao, Muhammad Junaid Aslam, Chenhong Zhou, Kim Kek Seong, Peipei Zhang, Nuowei Zhang, Jingbao Zheng, Jile Fu, Binghui Chen*. (2021). Noble Metal Free Catalyst with High Activity and Stability for Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of N, N-dimethylformamide. Applied Catalysis A: General 620 (2021) 118172,DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2021.118172
- Lili Geng, Bingbing Chen, Jihao Yang, Cailing Shui, Songshou Ye, Jile Fu, Nuowei Zhang, Jianrong Xie, Chen BH*. Synergistic effect between Mn and Ce for active and stable catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol over MnCeOx. Applied Catalysis A: General 2020, 604, 117774. DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2020.117774
- Quancong Zhang, Xiaoxue Guo, Xu Yao, Zhikai Cao, Yong Sha, Binghui Chen, Hua Zhou. Modeling, simulation, and systematic analysis of high-temperature adiabatic fixed-bed process of CO methanation with novel catalysts. Applied Energy. 2020, 279, 115822-115833.
- YANG Jihao, GENG Lili, YE Songshou. XIE Jianrong, ZHANG Nuowei, CHEN Binghui*. Stable and efficient Ru/TiO2-ZrO2 Catalysts for Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Phenolsulfonic Acid Wastewater Treatment. CIESC Journal, 2020, 71(12): 5561-5567. doi: 10.11949/0438-1157.20200407
- Wenhan Chen, Guilong Qiao, Huijing Liu, Songshou Ye, Jinbao Zheng, Nuowei Zhang, Liming Che and Chen BH*. Templated Coordination as a Tool to Increase the Catalytic Activity of Metal−Aluminophosphates: The Case of CoAPO-11. Catalysis Science and Technology 2020, 9, 4505 – 4509
- Lili Geng, Jianjun Gong, Guilong Qiao, Songshou Ye, Jinbao Zheng*, Nuowei Zhang, Chen BH*. Effect of metal precursors on the performance of Pt/SAPO-11 catalysts for n-dodecane hydroisomerization. ACS Omega. 2019, 4, 12598−12605
- Aolin Lu, Hanlei Sun, Nuowei Zhang, Liming Che, Shiyao Shan, Jin Luo, Jinbao Zheng, Lefu Yang, Dong-Liang Peng, Chuan-Jian Zhong, Chen BH*. Surface Partial-Charge-Tuned Enhancement of Catalytic Activity of Platinum Nanocatalysts for Toluene Oxidation. ACS Catalysis 2019, 9, 7431-7442
- Lihua Zhu, Huan Zhang, Nan Ma, Changlin Yu, Nengwen Ding, Jeng-Lung Chen, Chih-Wen Pao, Jyh-Fu Lee, Qiang Xiao, Chen BH*. Tuning the interfaces in the ruthenium-nickel/carbon nanocatalysts for enhancing catalytic hydrogenation performance. Journal of Catalysis 2019, 377: 299–308
- Fen Wang, Jing-Cai Zhang, Zhi-Qiang Chen, Jing-Dong Lin, Wei-Zhen Li, Yong Wang, Chen BH*. Water-saving dry methanation for direct conversion of syngas to synthetic natural gas over robust Ni0.1Mg0.9Al2O4 catalyst. Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 375: 466-477
- Cao Zhikai; Hu Tao; Guo JW; Xie Jianrong; Zhang NW; Zheng JB; Che Liming; Chen BH*. Stable and facile ethanol synthesis from syngas in one reactor by tandem combination CuZnAl-HZSM-5, modified-H-Mordenite with CuZnAl catalyst. Fuel, 2019, 254: 115542–115547
- ZHENG Hongguang,CHEN Wenhan,SHUI Cailing, ZHENG Jinbao*, ZHANG Nuowei, CHEN Binghui. Isomerization of n-butene catalyzed by H-FER Zeolite modified by steam treatment. Journal of Xiamen University (Natural Science). 2019, 58(5), 669-677. doi: 10.6043/j.issn.0438-0479.201812012
- Wang F, Zhang JC, Li WZ, Chen BH*. Coke-resistant Au–Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst for direct methanation of syngas. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2019, 39: 198–207
- Ye SS, Guo JW, Wang YB, Xie JR, Liu ZM, Zhang NW*, Zheng JB, Cao ZK, Chen BH*. Effect of sodium content on the interaction between Ni and support and catalytic performance for syngas methanation over Ni/Zr-Yb-O catalysts. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 27(11) 2705-2711.
- Fu JL, Yue QQ, Guo HZ, Ma CJ, Wen YY, Zhang H, Zhang NW,* Zheng YP, Zheng JB, and Chen BH*. Constructing Pd/CeO2/C to Achieve High Leaching Resistance and Activity for Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Aqueous Amide. ACS Catalysis 2018, 8, 4980−4985
- Fu JL, Xiao DW, Yue QQ, Geng LL, Fasan Paul, Zhang NW*, Zheng JB and Chen BH*. Insights into the reaction mechanism of catalytic wet air oxidation of ammonia over bimetallic Ru-Cu catalyst. Topics in catalysis. 2018, 61(15-17), 1684–1693
- Yang Z*, Zhu HZ, Zhu HJ, Wang YB, Che LM, Yang ZQ, Fang J, Wu QH, Chen BH*. Insights into the role of nanoalloy surface composition toward catalytic acetone hydrogenation. Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 8351-8354
- Yang Z*, Chen WH, Zheng JB, Yang ZQ, NW, Zhong CJ, Chen BH*. Efficient low-temperature hydrogenation of acetone on bimetallic Pt-Ru/C catalyst. Journal of Catalysis 2018, 363: 52–62
- Li YH, Chen SJ, Cai XH, Hong JQ, Wu XE, Xu YZ, Zou JJ, Chen BH*. Rational design and prepare of hierarchical monolith through 3D printing for syngas methanation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6: 5695 – 5702
- GENG Lili, YANG Kaixu, ZHANG Nuowei, CHEN Binghui. Synergetic Effect of Ru and Cu on Catalytic Wet Oxidation of Ammonia-wastewater[J]. CIESC Journal, 2018, 69(9): 3869-3878. doi: 10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20180186
- Deng XL, Zhu LH, Zhang H, Anna Kroner, Zheng JB, Zhang NW, He J, Chen BH*. Ruthenium stabilized on transition metal-on-transition metal oxide nanoparticles for naphthalene hydrogenation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2018, 43(32), 15055-15063, 9 August 2018
- Li M, Zhu LH, Liu XH, Yu YY, Zhang H,Yu BQ,Zheng JB,Zhang NW, Yu QL, Chen BH*. Synthesis of Antimony Trioxide Crystals with Various Morphologies and Their UV-Vis-NIR Reflectance Performance. ChemistrySelect 2018, 3, 4310-4314
- Zhu LH, Zhang H, Hu WW, Zheng JB, Zhang NW, Yu CL, Ye HQ, Yang ZQ, Chen BH*. Nickel Hydroxide–Cobalt Hydroxide Nanoparticle Supported Ruthenium–Nickel–Cobalt Islands as an Efficient Nanocatalyst for the Hydrogenation Reaction. ChemCatChem 2018, 10: 1998 –2002
- Zhu LH, Zhang H, Zhong LF, Zheng JB, Yu CL, Zhang NW, Chen BH*. RuNiCo-based nanocatalysts with different nanostructures for naphthalene selective hydrogenation. Fuel 2018, 216: 208–217
- Zhu LH, Zheng T, Zheng JB, Yu CL, Zhang NW, Zhou QY, Zhang W, Chen BH*. Shape control of nickel crystals and catalytic hydrogenation performance of ruthenium-on-Ni crystals. CrystEngComm 2017, 20, 113–121
- Zhu LH, Sun HL, Zheng JB, Yu CL, Zhang NW, Shu Q, Chen BH*. Combining Ru, Ni and Ni(OH)2 active sites for improving catalytic performance in benzene hydrogenation. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2017, 192: 8-16
- Zhang H, Zhang XG, Wei J, Wang C, Shu C, Sun HL, Wang YH, Chen BH*, Yang ZL, Wu DY, Li JF*, Tian ZQ (2017). Revealing the role of interfacial properties on catalytic behaviors by in-situ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017, 139 (30), 10339–10346
- Ma CJ, Fu JL, Chen JX, Wen YY, Fasan Paul, Zhang H, Zhang NW,* Zheng JB, Chen BH* . Improving the surface properties of CeO2 by dissolution of Ce3+ to enhance the performance for catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol. Ind Eng Chem Res 2017, 56 (32), 9090–9097
- Ma CJ, Wen YY, Rong CL, Nuowei Zhang NW,* Zheng JB, Chen BH*. δ-MnO2 with ultrahigh Mn4+ fraction: highly active and stable for catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol under mild conditions. Catalysis Science & Technology 2017, 7, 3200–3204.
- Wang ZD, Hameed S, Wen YY, Zhang NW, Gai HJ, Zheng JB, Chen BH*. The effect of weak acid anions on the selective catalytic wet air oxidation of aqueous ammonia to nitrogen. Scientific Report 2017, 7:3911. | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04207-5
- Zhang H, Wang C, Sun HL, Fu G*, Chen S, Zhang YJ, Chen BH*, Anema JR, Yang ZL, Li JF*, Tian ZQ. In-situ dynamic tracking of heterogeneous nanocatalytic processes by shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Nature communications 2017, 8:15447.
- Zhu LH, Zheng T, Zheng JB, Yu CL, Zhou QY, Hua JR, Zhang NW, Shu Q, Chen BH*. Synthesis of novel platinum-on-flower-like nickel catalysts and their applications in hydrogenation reaction. Applied Surface Science 2017, 423 (2017) 836–844
- Ma CJ, Wen YY, Yue QQ, Li AQ, Fu JL, Zhang NW, Gai HJ, Zheng JB, Chen BH*. Oxygen vacancies promoted catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol from MnOx-CeO2. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 27079 – 27088
- Zhu LH,* Shan SY, Petkov V, Hu W, Kroner A, Zheng JB, Yu CL, Zhang NW, YH, Luque R,* Zhong CJ, Ye HQ, Zhiqing Yang,* and Chen BH. Ruthenium-nickel-nickel hydroxide nanoparticles for room temperature catalytic hydrogenation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5, 7869 – 7875
- Zhu LH,* Zheng T, Yu QL, Zheng JB, Tang ZB, Zhang NW, Shu Q, Chen BH*. Platinum-nickel alloy nanoparticles supported on carbon for 3-pentanone hydrogenation, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 409, 29-34.
- Zhu LH, Zheng T, Zheng JB, Yu CL, Zhang NW, Liao Q, Shu Q, Chen BH*. Synthesis of Ru/CoNi crystals with different morphologies for catalytic hydrogenation. CrystEngComm, 2017, 9, 3430–3438
- Zhu LH, Sun HL, Zheng JB, Yu QL, Zhang NW, Shu Q, Chen BH*. Combining Ru, Ni and Ni(OH)2 active sites for improving catalytic performance in benzene hydrogenation. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2017, 192: 8 – 16
- Yang Z, Li D, Zhang L, Zheng JB*, Zhang NW, and Chen BH*. Coupling Synergetic Effect between Ruthenium and Ruthenium Oxide with Size Effect of Ruthenium Particles on Ketone Catalytic Hydrogenation. ChemCatChem 2017, 9: 338 – 346
- Deng XL, Li Y, Hu XY, Zhang J, Zheng JB, Zhang NW and Chen BH*. Nanostructured silver/ceria-zirconia synthesized towards highly active and stable catalyst for soot oxidation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 313: 544–555
- ZHU Lihua, SUN Hanlei, CAO Zhikai, ZHENG Jinbao, ZHANG Nuowei, CHEN Binghui*. Design and synthesis of hydrogenation nanocatalyst with synergetic multiple catalytic sites. CIESC Journal, 2015, 66(8): 3091-3097. doi: 10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150702
Zhu LH and Chen BH. An efficient and stable Ru-Ni/C nano-bimetallic catalyst for benzene hydrogenation under mild reaction conditions. The 7th Sino-US Joint Conference of Chemical Engineering. 2013 10 15, Beijing, China.
- Zhu LH and Chen BH. Investigation of CaO-alumina as an efficient and stable solid base catalyst and for Baeyer–Villiger oxidation of cyclohexanone to ε-caprolactone. The 9th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 2013 8 18-23, Soul, Korea
- Wang JX, Li YH, Cao MH and Chen BH. Zinc-Adeninate framework construction to catalyze CO2 cycloaddition reaction, The 9th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 2013 8 18-23, Soul, Korea
- Zheng JB, Wang JX, Li JJ, Lai WK, Jia LS, Fang WP and Chen BH. Modeling the hydrodynamics of high viscosity and pressure multi-phase fluidized bed based on thermodynamic principle, The 9th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 2013 8 18-23, Soul, Korea
- Jingjing Cui JJ. Cui Y. Liang WH. Chen BH. Studies on the degradation of lignin Catalyzed by lignin peroxidase in the Presence of an Ionic Liquid as Co-solvent. ICBT2012. 2012 10 22-24.
- 崔晶晶,李云华,陈秉辉. [MMIM][MeSO4]体系中碱木质素的生物降解特性的研究. 纪念中国微生物学会成立六十周年大会暨2012年中国微生物学会学术年会. 2012 10 26-30南京市
- Liao MY, Chen GQ, Li YH, Chen BH. Carbon Supported Fe@Pd Core-Shell Nanoparticles as Electrocatalysts for Formic Acid Eletro-oxidation. Challenges in Nanoscience (ISACS9). 2012 August 31-Sept 3, Xiamen
- Liao MY, Chen GQ, Li YH, Chen BH. Structural Design and Facile Synthesis of Pt decorated Pd/C Nanocatalysts for Formic Acid Electro-oxidation. Challenges in Nanoscience (ISACS9). 2012 August 31-Sept 3, Xiamen
- Liao MY, Chen GQ, Chen BH, Lin LQ, Yang LF, Luo J and Zhong CJ. Nanocatalysts for Green-Energy and Fuel-Cell Reactions. The 7th Sino-US symposium on Nanoscale Science and Technology. 2012 June 8-11, Xiamen.
- Liao MY, Chen GQ, Chen BH. Nanoengineered surface structure and facile synthesis of an ultralow Platinum loading and highly efficient electrocatalyst for formic acid oxidation. Fuel Cells 2012 Science & Technology, 2012 April 11-12, Berlin, Germany
- 郑进保, 赖伟坤, 吴钟芳,宋文静,董云芸,伊晓东,方维平,陈秉辉. 多相反应器床层膨胀特征的建模研究. 第十六届全国催化学术会议, 2012 10 16-19 沈阳。
俞碧清,马向阳,李羽烟,陈秉辉。高反射率氧化锑掺杂涂料的研制。2011年全国涂料会议 贵州
马向阳,李羽烟,俞碧清,陈秉辉。高反射比二氧化钛粉体的制备。2011年全国涂料会议 贵州
王瑞芳,李云华,陈秉辉. 高浓度中性溶质溶液的纳滤分离研究. 第七届膜与膜过程学术报告会. 2011 11 4~7 杭州
Chen BH, Woodley JM, Baganz F and Lye GJ (2007). Stability and kinetics of different biocatalyst forms for asymmetric carbon-carbon bond formation. ISHHC (International Symposium on Relations between Homogenous and Heterogeneous Catalysis) University of California, Berkeley, USA, July 16-20.
Chen BH, Micheletti M, Woodley JM and Lye GJ Woodley JM. (2007) Systematic evaluation of alternative biocatalyst forms for asymmetric carbon-carbon bond formation. Chemical Reaction Engineering XI: Green Chemical Reactor Engineering, August, Bilbao, Vizcaya, Spain August 27-31.
- Baganz, F, Chen, BH, Dalby, PA, Hailes, HC, Hibbert, E, Kaulmann, U, Lye, GJ, Micheletti, M, Smith, MEB., Smithies, K, Ward, JM, Woodley, JM (2007). Accelerating biocatalytic process design: Integrating new tools from biology, chemistry and engineering. Biochemical Engineering XV, Quebec City, Canada, July 15-19.
Baganz, F, Chen, BH, Dalby, PA, Hibbert, E, Lye, GJ, Micheletti, M, Woodley, JM, Kaulmann, U, Ward, J M, Hailes, HC. Smith, MEB, and Smithies, K(2007). Accelerating biocatalytic process design: Integrating new tools from biology, chemistry and engineering. Oral presentation at ECB 13, Barcelona, Spain, September 16-19.
Chen, BH, Hibbert, EG, Dalby, PA and Woodley, JM (2007) Modelling biocatalytic kinetics: A new method for biocatalytic parameter identification. Oral and poster presentation at 4th Annual BERN Meeting, University of Birmingham, UK, January 5.
Chen BH, Sayar A and Woodley JM (2006) A hybrid approach to bioreaction kinetic parameter estimation. ISCRE19. Potsdam/Berlin, Germany
Chen BH, Micheletti M, Sayar A, Dalby PA, Baganz F, Lye GJ and Woodley JM (2006) Biocatalytic process evaluation using microscale processing techniques and process modelling. European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science 2006. Salzburg, Austria.
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Macchietto S, Alsop NJ, Baird RJ and Chen BH (2004) Modelling discrete event systems with multiple initial states and partial state knowledge. ESCAPE 14, Lisbon, Portugal.
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CHEN BH and Woodley JM (2002) Biocatalytic process maps: neural network modelling with wavelet shrinkage. ISCRE17, Hong Kong
CHEN BH, Bermingham SK, Kramer HJM and Asprey SP (2001) High fidelity modelling and experiment design for crystallisation. IChemE Symposium Day on Crystallisation, UMIST, Manchester, UK
CHEN BH and Asprey SP (2001). Designing optimally informative experiments in multiresponse nonlinear dynamic situations. AIChE annual meeting, Reno, Nevada, USA.
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CHEN BH et al, 1996 Assessment of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data Using Graphics and Prediction by Neural Networks, The Fifth World Congress of Chemical Engineering, San Diego, California, July
Hou ZY, CHEN BH and Dai QL. (1993). Investigation of Reaction Mechanism of Propane Ammoxidation by Dynamic Method, The Fifth Chem. React. Eng. Symp. of China, Tianjin
CHEN BH et al (1993) Modeling of A Loop Fluidized Bed Reactor with Baffle, The Fifth Chem. React. Eng. Symp. of China, Tianjin
CHEN BH et al (1993) Investigation of UL Fluidized Bed Reactor for Synthesis of Acrylonitrile, The Sixth Fluidization Symp. of China, Wuhang
CHEN BH et al (1993). Investigation of Loop System of UL Fluidized Bed Reactor, The Sixth Fluidization Symp. of China, Wuhang
Current Supervision (Postgraduate only)
- Sim Ley Boon
DFT for hydrogenation catalyst design
2021 – present
Xiamen University Malaysia
- He Yici Professsor Award, 2018
- State Technological Invention Award, 1997
- National Academic and Innovation Award, 1997
- Second Class Award for Scientific & Technological Progress of Sinopec, 1996 and 1997