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Xiamen University - AW Kean Chin

AW Kean Chin

Research Interests: Smart Materials and Structures in Mechatronics; Energy Harvesting; Metamaterial

About Me

  • Ph.D., Semiconductor Physics, University Science Malaysia, Malaysia, 2003
  • Master's Degree, Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Brunel University London, United Kingdoms, 1998
  • Graduate Diploma in Arts (Asian Studies), University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2013
  • New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching, NZ Open Polytechnic, New Zealand, 2022
  • Diploma in Engineering (Electronics), Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Malaysia, 1986
  • C.E.I. (UK), Engineering (equivalent to a UK 3-year engineering degree), United Kingdoms, 1985
  • Certificate in Technology (Electronics), Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Malaysia, 1983

  • Editor-in-Chief for Sensor Review 

Research Interests

Smart Materials and Structures in Mechatronics; Energy Harvesting; Metamaterial 


  • S Wang, H Zheng, L Tang, Z Li, R Zhao, Y Lu, KC Aw. Vibration-based and computer vision-aided nondestructive health condition evaluation of rail track structures. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 13(1), 1-14. (2023). 
  • Y Jian, L Tang, G Hu, Y Wang, KC Aw. Adaptive genetic algorithm enabled tailoring of piezoelectric metamaterials for optimal vibration attenuation. Smart Materials and Structures, 31(7), 075026. (2022). 
  • P Yin, KC Aw, X Jiang, C Xin, H Guo, L Tang, Y Peng, Z Li. Fish gills inspired parallel-cell triboelectric nanogenerator. Nano Energy, 95, 106976. (2022). 
  • S Kandasamy, M Teo, N Ravichandran, A McDaid, K Jayaraman, KC Aw. Body-powered and portable soft hydraulic actuators as prosthetic hands. Robotics, 11(4), 71. (2022). 
  • Y Jian, L Tang, G Hu, Z Li, KC Aw. Design of graded piezoelectric metamaterial beam with spatial variation of electrodes. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 218, 107068. (2022). 
  • KC Aw, J Budd, T Wilshaw-Sparkes. Data glove using soft and stretchable piezoresistive sensors. Micromachines, 13(3), 372. (2022). 
  • Y Jian, G Hu, L Tang, J Xu, KC Aw. A generic theoretical approach for estimating bandgap bounds of metamaterial beams. Journal of Applied Physics, 130(5), 054501. (2021). 
  • MY Teo, S Kee, L Stuart, J Stringer, KC Aw. Mechanical behaviour of large strain capacitive sensor with barium titanate ecoflex composite used to detect human motion. Robotics, 10(2), 69. (2021). 
  • Z Yang, L Tang, L Yu, K Tao, KC Aw. Modelling and analysis of an out-of-plane electret-based vibration energy harvester with AC and DC circuits. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 140, 106660. (2020).

  • MBIE Smart Ideas (NZ$999,687) - Harnessing biological materials to make biodegradable electronic
    devices, 2021
  • NZ-China COVID19 Collaboration Fun (NZ$350,000) - Printed sensing strips for sensitive and reliable
    detection of SARS-CoV-2, 2021
  • Marsden Fast Start (NZ$300,000) - Simultaneous deposition and poling of piezoelectric composites for 3D
    printed sensors and actuators, 2019

  • Provisional NZ Patent Application 791268 - Pressure Sensor and Method of Fabrication, 2022